“Vaseline”: 30 Beauty Secrets That Every Woman Should Know

My mother instilled in me from a very young age that I should never leave the house without sunscreen on. Whether it’s a grey and dreary day or the sun’s been shining since 7 a.m., it’s best to protect your skin. And as an adult, I still feel incredibly guilty if I step outside, even just to take out the trash, without my SPF on.

But sunscreen is just one small way that we can protect our skin. If you go deep enough down the skincare rabbit hole, you might start slathering a complicated concoction of moisturizers, serums, acids and more on your face every single day. So to find out which of these trends are actually worth it, one woman reached out on Threads asking others to share their best beauty tips. Hundreds of women joined in on the conversation and shared what secrets they swear by, so below, you’ll find out what keeps them glowing!

Give yourself room to breathe.
That can mean: get enough sleep. Leave that task for tomorrow. Resist letting others manage your time. Say no if you aren’t in the mood. Take a nap. Grant yourself a calm, tidy living space if you can. If your income is sufficient, maybe it’s not worth fighting to get to the top of the ladder. Confide in your friends (& return the kindness). Take the slow route.
Stress & exhaustion drain you, and you can’t always avoid them, but if you get the chance to, take it.

Don’t worry *too* much about external beauty. Many more interesting things to spend your time and energy on, and if you’re happy and interested in the world you will also be beautiful.

Eating the skincare. No really. Eat all the fruits & veggies & seeds that are in the face masks & facial creams you use. When you take care of your insides it reflects on your outside. 🤍 Drink plenty of water.
Brown sugar , lemon juice & honey scrub for soft lips & skin. Please use Moisturizer & Sunscreen.

Don’t overuse cosmetics. Keep it as minimal as possible, wherever you can .. including skincare. .. You don’t need a bag of chemicals and products that just cake up your skin, suffocate your pores, and give the illusion of your beauty, when you’re a WHOLE damn gorgeous masterpiece if you just focus on keeping your skin clean, moisturised, smile from your heart, and get a few good nights of sleep ..♥️

Hydration is important. Massaging your face helps with circulation. Hardly wear any makeup, but I have a routine that I lightly wash my face when I wash my hands. I drink herbal tea. I live by epsom salt baths.

My mom always said that the best beauty hack is health. If you eat right, exercise, drink lots of water, and have good mental health, you’ll likely look as good as you feel too 🙂

Less is more, thin layers are better than one big heavy cakey mess. And blush blindness is a very real thing, apply, assess in different lighting and decide if you need more.

Moisturise before bed every. Single. Night. Oh and NEVER sleep in your makeup. I don’t care how many martinis you’ve had, even a makeup wipe is better than a full cleanse. Take off your makeup!!! ♥️

Not really beauty tips but more to hygiene, I hope it counts – use tounge scrapper. All those oil pulling will not do anything if you don’t scrap your tounge.

Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, and wear sunscreen. At 69 I have virtually no wrinkles, but also I have oily skin. It’s never too late…stopped smoking at 23, stopped drinking at 50, and started wearing sunscreen at 25.

