What Happens When the Pope Dies

When the Pope passes away, the Catholic Church follows a centuries-old set of traditions and protocols to ensure a smooth transition of leadership. Here’s what happens step by step:

1. The Pope’s Death is Confirmed

The Camerlengo (the Vatican’s chamberlain) is responsible for officially verifying the Pope’s death. Traditionally, he does this by tapping the Pope’s forehead three times with a silver hammer and calling his name. While this practice has become more symbolic, the Camerlengo still declares the Pope’s passing.

2. The Church Enters a Period of Mourning

A nine-day mourning period, called Novemdiales, begins. During this time, the Pope’s body is prepared and displayed for public viewing in St. Peter’s Basilica, allowing the faithful to pay their respects.

3. The Fisherman’s Ring is Destroyed

The Pope’s official seal, the Fisherman’s Ring, is ceremonially destroyed by the Camerlengo to prevent fraudulent documents from being issued in his name.

4. Papal Funeral and Burial

A funeral is held at St. Peter’s Basilica, usually within four to six days after death. The Pope is then buried in a crypt beneath the basilica or another location of his choosing.

5. The Vatican is Governed by the Camerlengo

Until a new Pope is elected, the Camerlengo takes charge of Vatican affairs but cannot make major policy decisions. The College of Cardinals also plays a role in managing the Church during this period.

6. The Conclave Begins

Fifteen to twenty days after the Pope’s death, the College of Cardinals gathers in the Sistine Chapel for a secretive election process known as the conclave. They vote in multiple rounds until a candidate receives a two-thirds majority.

7. A New Pope is Elected

Once a new Pope is chosen, white smoke rises from the chapel’s chimney, signaling to the world that the Catholic Church has a new leader. Shortly after, the new Pope is introduced on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica with the announcement, “Habemus Papam”—“We have a Pope.”

This solemn but well-organized process ensures a seamless transition of power in the Catholic Church.

